miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

In Bloom - Nirvana

Nevermind pasa por ser uno de los discos más importantes de la historia ya que significo el principio del Grunge, el nacimiento de un mito como Kurt Cobain y, porque además, contiene canciones tan contundentes y bestiales como esta...

Nirvana - In Bloom (Nevermind, 1991)

Sell the kids for food
 Weather changes moods
 Spring is here again
 Reproductive glands
 He's the one who likes all the pretty songs
 And he likes to sing along, and he likes to shoot his gun
 But he don't know what it means, don't know what it means
 And I say aahh
 We can have some more
 Nature is a whore
 Bruises on the fruit
 Tender age in bloom
In bloom , In Bloom
